Our Basic S3 IIoT device use 3G/4G LTE Cat-M1 communication protocols that helps improve IIoT coverage inside buildings. It has in-ground penetration capabilities to get you more reliable coverage inside buildings. LTE now provides your enterprise a full range of solutions backed by technology that matches your enterprise Asset Management OR Environmental Monitoring applications, while offering better total cost of ownership.
All of our products can use LTE Cat-M1 communication protocol provided by AT&T OR Verizon through their large, most reliable 4G LTE network available in the U.S
Streamline Operations- Be proactive, and reduce cost 3S Basic IIoT simplifies deployment and provisioning of complex enterprise IIoT deployments for Asset Management, Environmental Monitoring or any other tracking.
3s Basic is an automated connectivity and data logging, and sensor/probe management platform that links LTE-MI through global networks to your backend SAP systems to bring Asset Related data,Environmental Monitoring data or any other sensor data from any devices OR probes

Streamline operations and manage assets proactivity
Gain Insights into Your asset health and behavior.Real time alerts allow quick mitigation of potential Problems.

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